Telegram Stickers
General Information
stickers are normal small flat color busts (meaning drawn from the waist up)
And although this is not always the case the main reason for it is. SPACE!!...
A big part of a sticker is the facial expression of the character and at resolution of 512x512 you loss a lot of that by trying to draw a full body
On technical side of things.
I normally draw my stickers at 1500x1500 at 300 DPI before reducing them to 512x512 so i can get them upload to telegram since that's the only allowed image size to created stickers on the app.
Customer will get the original file in case they might want to use them for physical printed stickers though pleas NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE
They're few thing that can increase the price of stickers. some of them are
- Adding a YCH as a second character on a sticker.
- Two unique character in one sticker.
- Complicated backgrounds or special markings or tattoos.

In most of this circumstances you can definitely Expect an up charge of at least 5 to 10$ on each specific stickers.
Extra Examples